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I LOVE MY GRAND PRIX number plates

  • Registered in VIC
  • Format is LLLLL
  • 5 Characters long
  • Black on White-ilove background
  • Listed in Sporty


Are you a high-end car owner and F1 Motor Grand Prix enthusiast who wants to make a statement on the road? @LuxPlateVic has the ultimate accessory for you - a one-off, personalised plate = I[LOVE]MYGP.

This is a unique and stylish plate that showcases your passion for F1 and your personal style. We are offering primary white background with black lettering slimline plate for the front of your car and a standard plate for the rear, which will complement the beauty and elegance of your high-end vehicle.

And because it's a one-off plate, you can be sure that you'll stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression. Imagine turning heads as you cruise through the streets in Armadale or arriving at a prestigious event in Toorak with your personalised I[LOVE]MYGP plate, the envy of all those around you.

Not only will a personalised vanity plate add extra appeal to your car, but it can also potentially increase its value. And because it's a one-off design, you can be sure that your plate will be unique and valuable.

@LuxPlateVic is proud to offer the ultimate accessory for high-end car owners who want to make a statement. Make an offer on I[LOVE]MYGP plate today and you could potentially join the ranks of discerning F1 Motor Grand Prix enthusiasts.

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