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HI number plates

  • Registered in NSW
  • Format is LL
  • 2 Characters long
  • Black on Yellow background
  • Listed in Name




The most demanded original two character number plate in New South Wales!

These “HI” plates can also be “H1” by a special request by myPlates. So, these number plates are two plates in one.

In the alphabet letter “h” is number “8” and “I” is number “9” making these two letters carrying two lucky/fortune numbers!

Once the government issued a large volume of random number plates with a fixed “HI” in them; which I believe adds more value to the original “HI” number plate the more they produce of the random plates.

It is the most demanded “HI” among all Australian states! Most custom personalised choices have been taken in myPlates; try it for yourself. For example HII, HIII, HIIII, HIIIII,H11, HI1I1I, H111I, HI1111, HI11II, H1II1, HIII1, HIII1I, H1II1I, HII111, HIII11, H1II11, HII111, HIII1, H111I, HI11I, HII1, HIII1I, H111II, HI1I, IHI,HI0,HI1,HI2,HI3, HI5,HI6,HI8, (and more)… all of these combinations are unavailable! Not to mention; also people have words thats added to “HI” on their plates; when at the end of the day this will always be only “HI”, and I believe all this demand to have close to “HI” on the number plate will just increase the value in the original.

Among millions of registrations in NSW there is only 676 two letter number plates (which are all taken - increasing it’s rareness) and a very few spell out something! And this is one of them!

From a distance it can been seen as “111” or “III”.

One of the most used word around the whole world! We mostly start our conversation with the word “HI”, and it can also be a surname.

Currently at storage as Custom Orange and Black with small cool sized plate (please refer to images). But, can be changed to the liking of the new future buyer at their request with myPlates.

Other countries that know about the number plate culture; these plates are valued in the millions of dollars in UK and US.

Rare number plates have been known to be great investments - and I believe this is one of them!

**Our price guide is around $50k mark, and regardless what you offer it will be welcomed and appreciated**

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